One theme that has been coming up recently with a lot of you and myself even:
“I just don’t have the time.”
Trust me, I get it. Between the business, kids, partner and sports…
I cannot say there is much more room to make sure I’m ticking all the boxes of the 3 tenets.
But as I reminded myself last week, as I have to every couple months when everything else starts to pile up; it’s easier than you think.
People get bogged down (myself included) on this idea that the workout needs to be perfect or it needs to be 90 mins or it needs to be exhausting.
When all it NEEDS to be is DONE.
We’ve all heard “that something is better than nothing”...
Science has gone and proved that point.
They discovered that the body experienced positive physiological changes with as little as 5 mins of interest work a day.
Five minutes a day!
Surely we can all find 5 minutes today to help our future selves.
Now I don’t want to come off all influencer-y and condescending…
But I bring this up because far too often we tell ourselves:
“What’s the point? It’s only 10 mins”.
But in actual fact it is a big deal, and it doesn’t take much.
So best thing to do is: just do it, whatever it is.
Because these things add up over time.
Whatever the goal is, everything adds up.
Getting stronger can be done in as little as 30 mins a day.
Sometimes if all I’ve got time for it’s 20 mins of squats,
Then it's 20 mins of squats and I work at it hard.
Then I’m done and I know I’ve taken the right steps to be better tomorrow.
That’s what I think we need to remind ourselves of: the little things count.
Who cares if it can’t be perfect, or ideal even, what matters is that you do the thing!
I know getting strong, moving weird and getting treatment seems like a lot to add to life.
But start by microdosing each one: 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there…
Build up the small wins and get some momentum going.
Keep running with it until it becomes a habit and before you know it you’re wanting to find more time to do more things.
Don’t stress yourself out before you do anything – just do it.
Build momentum and don’t discredit the small wins.
It’s a lot of small wins, day in, day out that make massive wins over time.
Start small by doing your wellness a favour and Book a Treatment Today
If you’re still finding trouble starting: Click Here to Schedule a 15m Coaching Call