June 21, 2024

Core Tenet #3: Get Treatment

So… we’ve checked off Getting Strong.

We now Move Weird too… surely that’s enough, right?

Unfortunately not (and don’t call me Shirley lol).

Last on our list is Core Tenet #3: Get Treatment.

I know it seems biased for me to be posting about this but it really is a need to happen, because, as with a lot of other things in life: we can’t do it all ourselves.

The majority of us are doing one thing for over 50 hours every week (on a good week)

Then we move deliberately for 7 hours (again on a good week).

The numbers just don’t add up and we are going to need help staying healthy.

Obviously I’m going to be biased towards massage but I mean this 100%.  

To be frank, just follow this:

“I don’t care who you see, as long as it works for you”

That’s it – that’s all there is to it.

See someone for soft tissue work regularly, that way you’re not stuck going when you’ve actually hurt yourself… and then need to take time off moving and working out.

Chiro, physio, acupuncture, Fascial Stretch Therapy, cupping, massage…

Don’t matter, just get it done.

The reason to go regularly for maintenance is:

It helps you to move freer and access deeper ranges.

Sounds simple but essentially get soft tissue work, get more range, work that range, end up with more range. Repeat.

And as we said before if you’re moving and getting strong, then adding extra range, your body is happy and it adds to longevity and overall quality of life.

So, take a second to Get Treatment and Book Here to tick the box this week.

