July 11, 2024

You Are NOT Broken

Today’s letter is a bit of a fun one, because I get to empower you.

Over the last couple of years I have noticed a sentence many of you have said to me that gets under my skin a little.

It usually boils down to:

“How bad is my back? My last (insert practitioner here) said it was f#%#d.”

Now, I understand the sentiment and the hyperbole, but what really started to irk me is the fact it was said so commonly.

I am a firm believer of words having power and I feel that it wouldn't take long after hearing this that people will start to believe it themselves.

How many times does a health practitioner need to say this before you start to take it on?

And next time your back hurts you’ll simply say:

“Well it’s a bad back so this is life now.”

Not too many I bet.

Well I’m here to tell you that YOU ARE NOT BROKEN and your back is not f#@$!d nor is your shoulder or your hip.

They may be sore, the muscles supporting them may be tight, you may even be injured.

But nothing is f!@#d.

In fact, your body is functioning exactly the way it should be given the external stimulus AND we can always get it back to where it was.

I get why some health practitioners will say this…

It’s Sales 101.

Show someone they are broken and you have the answer to fix them…

And you’ve got a client forever.

It’s not that they are doing this maliciously, the majority of them do really want to help, but the delivery is all wrong.

We are health practitioners, we should be encouraging our patients and showing them that their bodies are resilient and able to heal themselves – we just encourage the healing process.

Not the other way around and the body is broken and only “we” can fix it.

Not only does this terminology set up a pretty defeatist mentality, but it also takes away the power of the patient, that we are victims of tension and repetitive stressors.

This all links back to our 3 Core Tenets, there’s a reason that I’m only involved in one of them, our bodies are resilient and can do a lot of good, including healing ourselves.

Which is why two of the tenets directly involve you and your body.

You are not broken, it is just responding to an external stimulus.

So let’s get a new, different stimulus to show you how capable your body is.

Get it strong, get it moving and you may just surprise yourself with how un-broken you really are.

We may not be broken, but our bodies can always use a hand to perform better.

Click here to get in for treatment this week.

