May 27, 2024

BC Wellness: A New Era

Great things are coming to you & BC Wellness this year.

I’ve been wanting to go bigger for a while…

To grow BC Wellness to a next level by

  1. serving you better,
  2. expanding the team and services,
  3. providing a next-level of value & education that will allow you to take control of your health for the years.

Because the truth is… we’re living in a stress epidemic.

Lots of us feel constantly overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed.

This causes our body to function in a way it’s not designed to.

Don’t get me wrong. Stress is natural.

Just not for an extended period of time.

You can think of it as a car…

You can’t run a car at 70% throttle all the time.

Constantly pushing and pulling your foot off the gas.

You need to shut it off, let it cool down, do maintenance…

For it to last years.

Our Bodies are the same.

Issue is… with so many forms of stimulations of this modern-day era (endless coffee, bright screens, long work hours).

It’s difficult for the body to fully shut down.

The great thing about learning how to take care of yourself, daily, is:

You minimize the chances at more serious issues later down the road.

Plus the added benefit of living happier & functioning at peak performance.

I’ll be sending you an email later this week where I’ll be sharing The 3 Core Tenets to live a longevous life.

Be on the lookout for that email end of this week.

Talk soon,


P.S. - Haven't booked your session for this week yet? Book Here