May 27, 2024

The Core 3 Tenets To Wellness

The body functions as a system.

All moving parts work together – we cannot just look at one part.

Traditional Healthcare has become divided instead of holistic.

And to break away from all the noise & misinformation –

I created The Core 3 Tenets to Wellness, to guide us:

  1. Be strong
  2. Move weird
  3. Get treatment

The thing is... we should take health into our own hands.

We’re living in it day-by-day.

Our body is our engine, our temple, our everything.

It gives us signs that we need to slow down: stress, overwhelm, anxiety, body pain, gut issues.

These are all signs.

Let's care for it. Here’s How.

Tenet #1 — Be Strong

This is one of the best things we can do to make life easier.

A universal truth for working out is:

“Everything feels immediately better after training hard”

Although it’s hard for us to sometimes get off our bums and work out – it pays off.

Two core reasons behind this is:

Burn off cortisol (stress hormone). We currently live with many sources of stress, spiking cortisol and wreaking havoc in our bodies. Let's minimize it.

Release endorphins (powerful neurotransmitter). Endorphins can transform your reality and make you feel much better on a daily.

Simply put… Being Strong will allow you to Age Gracefully.

By being able to maintain those hard movements as you grow older.

Since the stronger your joints and muscles are: the smoother your body will function.

Tenet #2 — Move Weird

Nowadays, life is spent moving in predictable planes.

We wake up. Sit at a desk half of the day. Go on walks (sometimes). Sit on the couch. Sleep.

You see… we’re primarily static.

The more dynamic we are with our bodies, the more flexible it becomes.

Not just physically – but mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Get outside of the traditional movements.

Move your body in different ways than you’re used to.

This will condition your muscles & joints to a wider range of motion.

As well as your mind will be more adaptable to stressors.

Tenet #3 — Get Treatment

We can’t do it alone.

We stress the body too much to expect it to heal & repair on its own.

Just like our car needs maintenance, so does our body.

It doesn’t matter what you do.

Massage, acupuncture, chiro, physio...

Whatever works for you – works. Just do it.

Naturally, if you ask me… Massage is King. I’m a lil biased though lol.

Massage Therapy will help:

  • Unwind your nervous system – promote rest & relaxation
  • Release short-term/long-term tension – leads to body balance
  • Foster balance in your life – breathe better, feel better, live better

Got a few slots left for this week to get treatment.

In future posts, I’ll be going deeper into these tenets and how to maximize each of them.

Just remember: Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.



P.S. Haven’t booked yet?

We still have a few slots for this week: Book Massage